More than one in twenty-eight children in the United States has a parent in prison. The loss of a parent to incarceration means a crisis for that child. Concerned people in all settings are dealing with children of incarcerated parents and their caregivers daily, but in most cases without the benefit of training or specific information.
Children of Incarcerated Parents Library (CIPL) provides free information sheets designed for people serving children of prisoners and their caregivers.
Library materials can be accessed through links below. The Facts and Issues section has pamphlets for all readers. Currently there are specialized pamphlets for Caregivers of children of prisoners incarcerated parents and for health care providers. We also offer Trainings that complement the information in the Children of Prisoners Incarcerated Parents Library.
Pamphlets may be downloaded without charge. Duplication is permitted and encouraged, so long as the materials are not altered or sold.
2015 edition of the Spanish translations will be available in August 2015.
Sorry, NRCCFI is not budgeted to mail free copies.
Table of Contents
Facts and Issues
101: Introduction to Children Incarcerated Parents
102: Why Maintain Relationships?
103: Conversations – Questions Children Ask
104: Risk and Protection
105: Visiting Mom or Dad
106: Jail and Prison Procedures
107: Communication Tips for Families
Materials For Caregivers
201: Caring for Children of Incarcerated Parents
202: Questions from Caregivers
203: What Do Children of Incarcerated Parents Need?
204: Tips from Caregivers for Caregivers
Materials for Health Care Providers
301: Impact of Parental Incarceration
302: Challenges for Health Care Providers
303: Common Stress Points
304: Different Children/Behaviors
305: Strategies for Intervention
306: Tips for Fostering Trust & Safety
307: The Caregiver’s Situation
Resource Section
For additional Resources, visit our Resources Links page.
In Appreciation
The Children of Incarcerated Parents Library is supported by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation with additional support from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the Jack DeLoss Taylor Charitable Trust and the Heidtke Foundation.
We are also grateful to our sponsoring organizations: Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.-Southern Region, Children and Family Networks, Hour Children, The National Practitioners Network for Fathers and Families and The Osborne Association. To become a sponsor, see our application form.
Special thanks to the Osborne Association for permission to revise and publish material from the three volume set of pamphlets, How Can I Help?
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