Meetings were convened in Flint and Lansing, Michigan on November 21,2014 by the Michigan Public Health Institute to discuss emerging issues among children of incarcerated parents and to communicate results from the Michigan longitudinal study, Project S.E.E.K (Services to Enable and Empower Children of Incarcerated Parents) Carol Burton, coordinator of the original Project S.E.E.K. which … Continue reading S.E.E.K. 2014 findings discussed at meetings in Michigan. Executive Summary released.…
Tools for Assessing Attachment for Children of the Incarcerated Central Connecticut State University and NRCCFI Survey
How do you measure children’s attachment to an incarcerated parent? How do you use the information? We are conducting a brief survey that will help us to understand current practices and procedures used to implement attachment assessments in a variety of settings. It is an exploratory effort to gather data which can potentially inform best … Continue reading Tools for Assessing Attachment for Children of the Incarcerated Central Connecticut State University and NRCCFI Survey…
Tools for Assessing Attachment for Children of the Incarcerated
Central Connecticut State University and NRCCFI are conducting a brief survey that will look at current practices and procedures used to implement attachment assessments for children of incarcerated parents.
The Echoes of Incarceration Project partnered with Sesame Street to create a powerful new film about visiting incarcerated parents.
The Echoes of Incarceration Project collaborates with Sesame Street:Echoes of Incarceration – which trains youth with incarcerated parents in filmmaking and advocacy skills, partnered with Sesame Street to create a powerful new film about visiting. It was released this week on the social media site Upworthy. View the video HERE: has had over 800,000 views … Continue reading The Echoes of Incarceration Project partnered with Sesame Street to create a powerful new film about visiting incarcerated parents.…
Los Angeles Summit Will Explore the Latest Developments Regarding the Impact of Toxic Stress and Trauma on Children and Families of the Incarcerated
A Summit to explore the latest developments regarding the impact of toxic stress and trauma on children and families of the incarcerated and interventions and responses that promote their well-being. Expert speakers will include caregivers, youth and family members, scholars, law enforcement officials, and child welfare administrators. Read More.
Department of Justice and the International Association of Chiefs of Police Release Groundbreaking Model Policy on keeping children safe at the time of parental arrest.
The Department of Justice’s Office of Justice Programs (OJP), in partnership with the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), released a seminal model policy regarding police interaction with children who are impacted when a parent is arrested and law enforcement carries out its investigative and arrest responsibilities. Reflecting the collective input of a wide … Continue reading Department of Justice and the International Association of Chiefs of Police Release Groundbreaking Model Policy on keeping children safe at the time of parental arrest.…