Key Skills for Working with Children of Prisoners

Key Skills for Working with Children of Prisoners: CD Description

Length: 80 minutes
Type: audio-conference
Trainer: Ann Adalist-Estrin, NRCCFI at FCN Director
Date: 2/10/04
Cost: $75
Synopsis: This training gives participants a quick check on their own skills and abilities.

This training gives participants a quick check on their own skills and abilities. Participants will highlight their areas of strength as well as to increase their awareness of gaps that may exist in their abilities.

Twelve essential skills for responding to the needs of children of prisoners will be outlined and discussed.

Children mourn the loss of their incarcerated parents. Some mourn the loss of the parent that was available to care for them. Others mourn the loss of the parent that “could have been.”  People living or working with children of prisoners come to the task with many and varied experiences, skills and perspectives. This program enables you to assess your training needs – to see your strengths and identify where more attention may be needed.

Related issues include:
-Determining one’s biases;
-applying knowledge and information to specific children and families;
-how secrets, judgments and individual agendas interfere with trust; and
-typical obstacles to effectively answering children’s questions.